EN 560.434 / 560.634 Structural Fire Engineering
This course discusses the analysis and design of structures exposed to fire. It covers the fundamentals of fire behavior, heat transfer, the effects of fire loading on materials and structural systems, and the principles and design methods for fire resistance design. Particular emphasis is placed on the advanced modeling and computational tools for performance-based design. Applications of innovative methods for fire resistance design in large structural engineering projects, such as stadiums and tall buildings, are also presented.
The course is also offered through the Engineering for Professionals online program (EN.565.736).

EN 560.302 Structural Systems II
This second course in the two-course structural systems sequence will reinforce the structural design workflow from concept and ideation to structural modeling and analysis to limit states design, but with a focus on the analysis and design of structural systems composed of bending members (e.g. frames). Connections to mechanics-based principles will again be emphasized and practical applications using common structural materials such as timber, steel, and reinforced concrete will be covered.
EN 560.635 Applied Numerical Modeling for Thermal Structural Analysis
This course discusses advanced topics in numerical modeling by the nonlinear finite element method with application to structural systems subjected to thermal loads. Covered topics include heat transfer and structural analyses, computational constitutive modeling, best practices for constructing and interpreting numerical models, and use of numerical modeling to support performance-based structural design. The course includes hands-on projects with a nonlinear finite element software.