The reference paper for SAFIR is:
- Franssen, J.M., Gernay, T. (2017), Modeling structures in fire with SAFIR®: Theoretical background and capabilities, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 8(3):300-323.
The software SAFIR is used by researchers as well as by design offices for real construction projects. Some recent projects in which SAFIR was used are shown below.

Four Pancras Square in London, UK – Trenton Fire
SAFIR was used for the fire design of the outside weathering steel frame. Performance based fire engineering was essential to enable this architectural design.
“(..) a successful example of where early fire engineering engagement has helped deliver an iconic design. (..) To allow the weathering steel to develop its protective patina and achieve the desired aesthetic, it must be left untreated and exposed; this is in conflict with traditional fire resistance solutions.“
From: Hopkin D., et al. “A structural fire strategy for an exposed weathering steel-framed building.” The Structural Engineer: journal of the Institution of Structural Engineer 96.1 (2018): 60-66.

Wilsdorf bridge in Geneva, Switzerland – MP Ingenieurs Conseils
SAFIR was used to analyze the fire response of the bridge under a truck fire scenario modeled with FDS.
From: Tonicello E., et al. “Fire analysis of a new steel bridge.” Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Structures in Fire. ETH Zürich, 2012.

Japan Tobacco headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland – INGENI
SAFIR was used for the structural fire engineering analysis of the JTI Building designed by SOM. The company INGENI carried out advanced natural fire simulations for the composite steel-reinforced concrete structure of the JTI Building, which led to a significant reduction in the fireproofing of the steel floor framing.
From: Lelli, L., & Loutan, J. (2018). “Advanced analyses of the membrane action of composite slabs under natural fire scenarios: A case study of the JTI headquarters“. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 9(1), 77-90.

Post-fire investigation of the New Zealand International Convention Center building – Holmes
Holmes used SAFIR to analyze the entire roof structure of the NZICC building after the 2019 fire. As described on their company webpage, “The structural fire analysis involved modelling a travelling fire on the roof based on the mapping of the fire locations based on a full time-lapse video footage. (..) The analyses were able to predict the deformations and deflections consistently with those observed and measured on site after the fire. (..) As a result of the analysis and proof load tests, most of the steel structure for the roof could be retained and re-used for the reinstatement of the building, thus omitting the need to re-fabricate significant amount of structural steel for the roof.”

ASCE/SEI Report on “Performance-Based Structural Fire Design”
The software SAFIR has been used in the report prepared by the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers on “Performance-Based Structural Fire Design: Exemplar Designs of Four Regionally Diverse Buildings using ASCE 7-16, Appendix E”. Three of the four companies involved in the study used SAFIR for their structural fire analyses.